Is emergency firefighting vehicles. This vehicle type trucks that usually the back iswater storage, and the vehicles are generally colored red. There are several types of vehicles used in the Union Fire Department, such as: car double cabin to carry perwira/komando firefighters, the truck with the small size and large water carriers, truck transportation of firefighting tools, and carrier truck tangga/ladder. As well asvehicle operations such as: ambulance car, car, engineering assistance, etc.

In emergency situations or respond to a fire, this vehicle is obliged given the routeand road traffic in in order to reach the location quickly. In emergency situations or respond to a fire, these vehicles will emit a siren and emergency lights lit is generallyeither red or blue or yellow, if the driver saw this on the highway or traffic, then the entire vehicle is obliged to give way or step aside for prioritizing the tasks of rescuelives. And if there are drivers who ignore, condone, or interfere with travel emergency vehicles that are running the task, then it is an act of violation of traffic and trafficregulations is strictly prohibited in Indonesia as well as throughout the world. In this condition, emergency vehicles such as Ambulances are also included.